Dunamis Project 6 - Listening Evangelism

Keep it simple. Share your vulnerabilities and triumphs in the spirit. Build friendships.
Listening Evangelism helps find a natural and fearless way into more faith-sharing conversations in the course of everyday life. Learning from the example of the early church, we will look at how Christians today can cooperate with the Holy Spirit in talking about their faith in Jesus Christ to others.
Main teaching topics include:
Motivations for Evangelism
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism
Practical Evangelism Skills
Learning God’s Vision for Evangelism
Developing a Passion for Personal Evangelism.
Sharpening the Focus of your Testimony
Using Gospel Scripts.
How To Practice A Gospel Presentation
Praying for Those who Don’t Know Christ.
Listening for God’s Call to a Particular Region or People Group.
Sharing About Your Faith Journey.
How to Recognize Kairos Moments.