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hands showing giving in Canada

All donations of $10 or more will receive a tax receipt.  For e-transfers, please include contact information so we can get a receipt to you.  Also, we need to know where you are directing your donation: "General DFC", "Prayer Mobilization", "PRMI", or to a certain event. If you would like to remain anonymous to the Prayer Mobilizer, please tell us in the comments of your e-transfer or your credit card donation. 

Charity Registration Number: #85540 0966 RR0001

Etransfer Donations

For e-transfer please send your donation to No password is needed. Did you know some banks allow you to set up a monthly e-transfer? 

Credit Card Donations 

In the comments, please tell us where to direct your donation:"General DFC", "Prayer Mobilization" "PRMI" or a certain event. ​If you would like to remain anonymous to the Prayer Mobilizer, please tell us in the comments. 


One time









Comment (optional)

Sustain the Flame Canada

What is Sustain the Flame Canada? This is what we call our monthly donors. STFC donors give in multiple ways. They receive one tax receipt usually in February in time for submitting for taxes. 

To become a Sustain the Flame Canada Donor, or to increase your current donation include the amount you want to donate monthly and choose one of the following:

  1. Contact the office to discuss options: call 519-821-3603 or email - set up or changes are quick. 

  2. Mail or email ( a form from your bank with your banking information.

  3. Mail or text or email ( a photo of a void cheque to the office - see below for our address.

  4. E-transfer monthly if your bank allows you to set this up ( This is direct deposit, no password is required.

  5. Use the form above to donate monthly via credit card.

All personal donations of $10 or more will receive a tax receipt from DFC except if you are donating via Canada Helps. Please visit the Canada Helps website to download your tax receipt. 

Donations need to be received by December 31 to be eligible for a 2024 tax receipt. Please contact the office if you need a tax receipt    re-issued.

Charity Registration Number: #85540 0966 RR0001

ways to give

Cheque mailed to DFC: 

Dunamis Fellowship Canada 

Box 25089,

17-370 Stone Road W. 

Guelph, ON    N1G 4T4  ​


Service fee attached:

Canada Helps - set up a profile to donate once or monthly to DFC via credit card.​

Exalting Jesus Christ!
Igniting the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit
under the authority of the Holy Bible as the Word of God
Through Prayer, Leadership Development,
Equipping Congregations and Mission Outreach
So that the Church may be empowered to do all that Christ commands
For the glory of God the Father!

Dunamis Fellowship Canada
Box 25089 / 17-370 Stone Road W / Guelph ON / N1G 4T4 / 519-821-3603

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